
Protein Spinach Pizza Rolls!

It's Italian, Mexican, Asian all in one!!! 

I can not BELIEVE I have lived 25 years without ever putting anything in a won ton wrapper. I can't even. Ohmygod.

One of my genius clients let me in on this secret last week and literally I've made four batches since last Thursday. In today's episode of stuff-wrapped-in-wontons, you'll make white pizza inside a won ton taco!

Not only are these low calorie but they're packed with leafy greens. One cup of frozen spinach provides 7.6 grams of protein.

Here's what you need:
Won Ton Wrappers

Banana Pepper Rings

Frozen Spinach

First, thaw and dry your spinach. Frozen spinach contains a ton of water and the wetter the filling is, the soggier your won tons will be. Soggy = gross. I let mine thaw here for a while and then used a wasteful amount of paper towels squeezing some more water out of it. Probably not the most efficient way, but it works.

Then, drain the whole jar of banana peppers and dry them on even more paper towels. 

Put the peppers into your Ninja and chop them up. Just a few pulses gets the job done, you don't want it watery pepper mush.

Shred some skim mozzarella cheese -- which also contains lots of protein! (available anywhere -- Walmart, Giant Eagle, etc.)

And put all of your stuff together in a bowl, and a ton of garlic powder, and mix it all up.

Fill your won ton wrappers with the filling. You can make a triangle ravioli, an open-ended burrito (just roll it up) or whatever shape you want. I just roll it up like a burrito because it's quick and easy and you can fit more filling in them.

Put them on a baking sheet sprayed with olive oil and bake at 375 for about 20 minutes, using tongs to flip them over half way through their cooking time.

They're not the prettiest things in the world but oh my GOD are they delicious.

Stay tuned for more recipes in won ton wrappers, that's all I've been thinking about lately!

What are you going to put in your won ton wrappers??

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