
The drink that boosts your metabolism (and aids in digestion!)

Warm water and lemon. 
Hear me out.
The lemon has tons of benefits. It has strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune boosting powers, it is alkalizing (meaning it balances your body's pH levels), it cleanses your liver, clears your skin, aids in digestion, boosts your metabolism, and keeps you feeling fuller longer.
If you start your day with coffee or tea, know that caffeine doesn't offer any of the benefits that warm lemon water does. In fact, caffeine dehydrates you, exhausts your liver, and increases your levels of the hormone cortisol which can lead to an inability to eliminate toxins or efficiently burn fat.

Try it out.

Just warm some bottled water and squeeze the juice of half a lemon (not fake bottled lemon juice) into it and drink the whole cup before you do/ eat / drink anything else. Some recipes even incorporate one teaspoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar also, which supercharges this natural drink. I haven't tried it with the vinegar; I actually enjoy the lemon water and think the vinegar might be kind of gross, but that's your call. 
Let me know if you guys like it! I've been doing it for a few weeks and I LOVE it.

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