
Why you should hire a personal trainer.

I was training a client a few weeks ago who, after I made a slight adjustment to her form, said: "See, that's one of the reasons I train with you-- even when I think I'm doing it right, you make sure I do it better." This got me thinking about how, if you have weight loss or fitness goals, hiring a personal trainer is well worth the money.

A while back I read an article where the high-and-mighty Planet Fitness claimed that paying a personal trainer is just "paying for a friend," and that everything you can get from a trainer you can get from a solo workout at Planet Fitness.

Now, I'm not just insulted because I'm a trainer. Before I became a trainer I spent years in gyms using the machines, lifting free weights and running endlessly on the cardio equipment. I subscribed to Shape, Fitness Mag, and Men's Health. I've been in your shoes before, I know how it feels to spend every day in a gym and to obsess over what you're eating and not see huge results. When I became a trainer I learned that there is a science behind weightloss and lean-muscle building, and that normal people don't (and aren't expected to) possess this knowledge. Even if you did possess all the knowledge of a certified personal trainer, the amount of time and effort that goes into designing just one single workout is enough to exhaust you before you even step foot in a gym. I digress.

Certified personal trainers are experts in the absolute best ways to train individuals at each and every different fitness level. You're paying for a professional to become an expert in exactly what YOU need to do to reach your clearly-defined goals, in and out of the training room.

Which brings me to, I guess, the end of my rant. Below are a few of the highlights of what I deliver to my clients as a Personal Trainer.


Each program is meticulously designed FOR YOU. Everything goes into how your program is designed, from your body, fitness level, and goals to your personality and your daily life outside of training. You do NOT get a one-size-fits-all program. You do not get the same program as anyone else, ever.


Each program is periodized meaning I progress you in different ways at different times, so you're always increasing your fitness level and a plateau is never reached.


I perform an entire panel of body composition measurements (Body Fat %, BMI, Weight, Measurements, etc.) regularly so that we can monitor your losses. I also have you perform fitness tests from day 1 so that you can see and feel your progress when we retest. 

Lifestyle Changes.

I pride myself on being a teacher, so training with me means you will become a student of health and fitness. I believe that the only way to create new habits and change old ones is by learning and having a support system. You will never stop learning. Yes, you will get your ass handed to you in each and every session, but you will also gain invaluable knowledge and learn the tools needed to lead a healthier lifestyle when you're not in a training session.

No More Dieting.

If you're training with me, you will never diet again. I'll teach you what you need to know about nutrition, what you should be eating and when, and what foods to avoid. I love love love food, so I've become pretty good at finding healthy versions of my old favorite foods. If you have a passion for eating, you're choosing the right trainer, that's for sure.


It's not easy to walk into a gym and give it your all every single time. It's not easy to make it to the gym even when you've got it scheduled in your planner. It's a fact that if you schedule a personal training session, you're more likely to work out, and you don't have to muster up all of your mental energy to get the job done. 

If you can get that for $10 a month at Planet Fitness, then be my guest. ;)
(Come get some, Planet Fitness!!)

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