
Protein sources

To follow up on last week's macronutrients post (and yesterdays posts about the House Menu and Meal Prep), I realized that most of you guys (and myself) aren't getting enough protein. I figured it would be beneficial to post some good ideas for where to get your protein. Add your favorites to your house menu!

Protein shakes

My favorites are vegan plant-based soy-free shake mixes like Vega One and Raw.

They taste alright alone, I mix them with water or almond milk. I've mixed this stuff into zucchini bread, pancakes, and banana bread before, so don't feel like you need to drink it!

Egg whites

Faves: Hard boiled in salads, scrambled with avocado and salsa, omelettes, frittatas, egg and bacon on toast. 


Boiled and shredded (sometimes I add franks red hot buffalo sauce-- it's butter-free and delicious!)

Baked, seasoned with mrs dash
Ground chicken meatballs

Chicken wraps


Ground sirloin (burgers, meatballs, tacos, spaghetti sauce)
Sirloin steak


I order fish at restaurants (with no butter) but I'm a weirdo when it comes to making fish at home, so I usually don't- unless it's tilapia fish tacos, or Cebiche. 

Seeds and Nuts

Hemp seeds

In cereal, on peanut butter toast 

Chia seeds

Cereal, toast, smoothies

Raw almonds, cashews, walnuts

Unsalted, unflavored. 

Black Beans!

In burritos, as a side, ground up and mixed with beef to make burgers, in a salad, in salsa. I love love love black beans!

*This is by no means a comprehehensive list, it's only my favorite go-to protein sources

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