
Why is soy bad for you?

While soy does carry with it some health benefits, if you read the research on soy and soy products you'll see that the risks outweigh any benefits it could offer. Even if you generally avoid soy products (you don't eat soybeans or drink soy milk) you are still most likely exposing yourself to a lot more soy than you think. Soybean oil is used in most processed foods and soy meal is fed to livestock (if it's not organic).  Why should you care? Prepare to become a soy expert!

Soy production in america...

90% of soybeans are genetically modified, and research is increasingly linking consumption of GMOs to serious health problems.

They are also sprayed with pesticides that act as neurotoxins, which slowly damage the brain and the nervous system.

The soybean itself.

Soybeans contain isoflavones, which are a natural plant hormone that mimics estrogen your body and can throw off your body's hormone balance. And, animal studies show that they cause breast cancer.

The fatty acids in soybeans are the omega 6's (and too many omega 6's cause chronic inflammation, which is at the heart of most major chronic diseases.) source

Soybeans also contain goitrogens, a substance that slows the production/release of thyroid hormones and is dangerous for those with hypothyroidism.  source

How we use our GMO soybeans...

Soybean oil is in almost anything that's processed. Breads, cookies, salad dressings, crackers, cereals, potato chips, frozen meals, lunchmeat, energy bars, canned soups, canned tuna and more.

The process of extracting soybean oil from soybeans involves this chemical called hexane; Hexane is also used as an touch-screen cleaner in China, and in 2010 137 iPhone manufacturers required treatment for hexane poisoning around the same time. Several women (interviewed by ABC) were hospitalized for 6 months. One person died from hexane poisoning. source While hexane's no longer being used as iPhone cleaner, it's still being used to produce soybean oil. 

Soybean meal is everything that's left after the oil is extracted using the hexane. The leftover meal is used to feed livestock, so now your chicken contains soy and about three times as much hexane. source

Soy or soy products can go by all of these names
  • hydrolyzed soy protein
  • miso
  • shoyo sauce
  • soy flour
  • soy grits
  • soy nuts
  • soy milk
  • soy sprouts
  • soy protein concentrate
  • soy protein isolate
  • tempeh
  • textured vegetable protein (TVP)
  • tofu
Even sneakier.... 
  • flavorings
  • vitamin E contains soy bean oil
  • hydrolyzed plant protein
  • hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • natural flavoring
  • vegetable broth
  • vegetable gum
  • vegetable starch

If you're anything like I used to be, you might read these potential side effects and think, "ehh, it won't happen to me, I'll be fine, I don't eat that much of it".... which is exactly what I was doing about a year ago. I spent months waking up in the middle of the night drenched in a puddle of sweat (seriously, to the point of having to change my clothes) until my doctor ran some test and attributed my excessive night sweats to soy (it messes with your hormones, remember?) So, after cutting out soy completely for a few days, I was back to normal.

So, gone are the days of soy mocha lattes. Sad, I know. If you're lactose intolerant like I am, try almond milk. And pay attention to your ingredients! You shouldn't be eating processed foods anyway, but remembering that sneaky soybean oil can hide in your bread, salad dressings, and more can save you from a whole host of health problems. And keep in mind that even if you aren't having crazy night sweats like I am, the stuff is still getting into your system. Even though you don't have symptoms doesn't mean it's not harming you.

Knowledge is power!! And now you're a soybean know-it-all. :)

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