
How to lunge the right way.

Happy Monday! I woke up with lunges on the brain (mainly because the 6 minutes of lunges in my 5:30am class SUCK) and decided to let you guys in on a secret.

There is a right and a wrong way to do lunges.

This is where my not having a YouTube channel (yet?) messes with me because I want to be able to just show you. But, until then, I'll use other peoples videos.

When I finally make a youtube channel, this is the first video I'll upload, promise. 

Here's how you probably do lunges, with an upright torso, your shoulders positioned always directly over your hips.

If you are feeling the burn in your quad muscles (top) of your back leg, you're doing it like the video above. Wrong. The focus of a lunge isn't so much the back leg but the FRONT leg. When our torsos are completely upright, we tend to press a lot more of our weight into our back toe, also putting excess pressure on the back knee joint. This means we don't get the proper movement at the hip joint, further preventing glute activation. 

So how do you correct it? Lean your torso slightly forward. In the video he says "instead of shoulders over hips, think shoulders over knees.

All this does is shifts your weight distribution from that back toe (and knee) to the leg we're targeting, the front one. This allows the hip joint to move more effectively, and makes your lunges target the muscles they're supposed to target. 

If you're my client you know I always stress the "mind-body connection" with strength training exercises. This applies more than ever with lunges, because you really have to concentrate on pressing through the front heel to target the glute in the best way. 

So try it out. Do a couple of bad ones, then correct your form and do them the right way. Do you feel it in your front leg more? 

Next, we'll talk about why your back hurts when you squat, and why you're probably doing those wrong too.


Thanks TonyGentilcore.com for knowing whats up. I hope you don't mind I linked your videos!


Headband Sale this week!

SALE at Manda Bees!

The Red Hot FLAWLESS headband is only $3.99 - This week only!!! 

Buy here.

Where will you wear your FLAWLESS headband??


Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes

A lot of you guys write to me asking about salad dressings. If you're my client, I'm making you eat so many raw vegetables that salad dressing has become a necessity.

Most bottled salad dressing is full of FAT and SUGAR. Low fat or sugar free ones are filled with chemicals and fake stuff. So, what are your options?

1. Greek yogurt ranch.

 OPA makes a great one, or just make your own with PLAIN greek yogurt and a packet of ranch powder. Let it sit overnight and viola, ranch.

2. Make your own Vinaigrette.

The Formula

Oil to Vinegar = 3:1
      That's 3 parts oil, 1 part vinegar.

The oil

Choose healthier oils such as extra virgin olive, hemp, avocado, peanut, flaxseed and even canola oils.
       *Make sure you're using extra virgin olive oil, not "pure" olive oil, because pure olive oil is processed with heat and chemicals, and extra virgin is "cold-pressed" (meaning no chemicals, no heat) and thus contains way more nutrients and phytochemicals.

Fruit Juice

 Actual juice squeezed from actual fruit. Totally optional. Think citrus: lemon, lime, orange. You can also puree strawberries and mix into a fruity balsamic dressing. Mmm! Get creative!

What else can I add?

A little sea salt and cracked black pepper can be enough, but feel free to add any herbs and spices you like. Garlic is amazing with olive oil! Honey is also a great addition to a salad dressing because it adds a little sweetness. 

Shake it!

Put your dressing in a container with a lid and shake away. The oil and vinegar are never going to "blend", but shake 'em up good before you put it on your salad.

Taste Test

Dip a piece of lettuce into the dressing to taste it, because it's going to taste a lot different on your finger than on your actual salad.

Too nervous to create your own? Follow these recipes!

Need more recipes than this? Follow me on Pinterest!